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Your Simple Gift, Our Profound Impact

Bequests are the most common way to make a gift to CCE through your estate. Simply add a provision in your will or trust designating either a specific amount, a percentage, or all or part of the residue of your estate to our organization. You can designate your bequest to benefit a specific CCE program that is meaningful to you or provide unbounded support—gifts of any size are appreciated.


Why Consider a Bequest?
  1. Flexibility: You can alter your bequest at any time.

  2. Control: Your assets remain in your possession during your lifetime, enabling you to make a significant contribution without affecting your finances during your lifetime.

  3. Impact: Your gift ensures long-term support for Council for Court Excellence. Click here to understand where your support is going.


How to Make a Bequest

To make a bequest, you should speak with your estate planner or attorney. They can help you include a bequest to CCE in your estate plan. We've provided some sample language below to assist you in this process.


Sample Language

Below is sample language that you can share with your attorney in drafting a bequest in your will or trust:


I bequeath to Council for Court Excellence (Tax ID #52-1241825), a nonprofit organization located in Washington, D.C.,

  • the sum of _________ dollars; or

  • an amount equal to ________ percent of the net value of my estate; or

  • all the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate


If you would like to designate your gift to a specific program, you may also want to include additional language:


It is my request that this gift be used for the benefit of [specify program] at Council for Court Excellence as directed in my most recent statement of intent.


Financial Information

Tax ID:


Point of Contact:

Sarah Baczewski

+1 202.785.5917


1111 14th St NW, Suite 500

Washington, DC


Need more information?
Check out our Legacy Giving Policy

We want to empower you to navigate the will-writing process. Please refer to the policy for in-depth guidance on drafting the will.

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